My awards

Research awards

  1. [2024] Huawei Explore X Funds 华为EX人才
  2. [2023] Shanghai Science and Technology Development Funds (Yangfan-Qimingxing special program, 23YF1420500) 上海科委启明星人才资助
  3. [2022] PRICAI’22 (CCF-C) Best Paper award
  4. [2022] ACM SIGCSE China Outstanding Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award
  5. [2020] IWQoS’20 (CCF-B) Best paper award

Academic Services

  1. IEEE Member (M’22)、ACM Member (M’23)
  2. [2024 Until Now] IET Artificial Intelligence for Engineering (AIE) Managing Editor
  3. [2023-2026] ACM SIGCSE China Secretariat
  4. [2023 Until Now] ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI CS2023 System Fundamental Committee
  5. [2022 Until Now] MDPI Sensors Guest Editor of Special Issue Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart City
  6. [2022] IEEE HPCC TPC Member
  7. [2022] ACM SenSys Shadow PC


  1. [2023] 上海市大学生计算机应用能力大赛一等奖(作为第二指导教师)
  2. [2020] China Postgraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling Second Prize
  3. [2019] Ebay Hackathon Innovative Award
  4. [2018] China National College Internet Application Innovation Competition First Prize
  5. [2016] MCM/ICM Honorable Mention
  6. [2015] School debate competition Best debater


  1. [Autumn 2021, Ph. D.] 潍柴动力奖学金
  2. [Autumn 2019, Ph. D.] Intel Excellent Fellowship Award
  3. [2016, undergraduate] Nation Scholarship
  4. [2016, undergraduate] Excellent Student Award
  5. [2015, undergraduate] Luxin Scholarship