
1 minute read


Basis: Github+AcademicPages+Jekyll

Building procedures:

  1. Fork the Jekyll&AcademicPages repository.
  2. Go to the repository’s settings and remane it to your own github name.
  3. Change site-wide configuration in “_config.yml” and navigation bar settings in “_data/navigation.yml”
  4. Uploade necessary linked files to the files/ directory. link with https://[your GitHub username].github.io/files/example.pdf.
  5. Maintain with the following instructions.

Maintainance: Write Markdown files (.md) in following folders or pages and then push to github with following instructions:

  1. git add . (There’s a blank between “add” and “.”.)
  2. git commit -m “Any title”
  3. git push -u origin master
  4. 【如果在github网页版操作过,本地push不上去怎么办?】在以上三步之前加一句 git pull origin master实现本地和云端的同步。

.md file Edit:

  1. Grammar check this link.
  2. Font color check this link.

Some questions:

  1. Why does the link always time out after inputting “git push”?
    A: Several possible reasons:
    • Network condition is too bad.
    • Use the following instructions to check your identity:
      git config user.name “yourname”
      git config user.email “youremail”
    • Try one more time (VPN problem)
    • Check the integrity of the direction of push and your target repository
  2. In Markdown grammar, <font> and ** cannot be used together cause they are from two different grammar systems.

  3. 插入图片的时候,图片加载不出来怎么办:



